Thursday, August 25, 2005


Well, it’s been quietly running on and off for a month now, and it’s proved useful to me already, so: Recipelog. An experiment in blog as outboard brain. No more scrappy photocopies, newspaper clippings, or index cards for me: from now on, I’m posting recipes that I try out and want to keep to the recipelog. The first post goes into more detail on the whats and whys, and explores some of the copyright implications of reproducing recipes. It’s much more for my benefit than yours; but hey. Self-interest is what blogging’s all about.

(Recipelog home; feed; subscribe in Bloglines.)

And while I’m in touting-my-other-blogs mode, a reminder that I clip and comment, often sarcastically, on interesting links at my linkblog. Although it appears in miniature on the sidebar to the right—via a clunky mix of technology that I really should describe at some point—it’s also a standalone blog in its own right: feed, permalinks, archives, comments and all.

(Linkblog home; feed; subscribe in Bloglines.)
