Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Reviews here

The Chronicles Of Riddick (September 2004, 2/5)
Hellboy (September 2004, 4/5)
Collateral (October 2004, 2½/5)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (October 2004, 2½/5)
Shark Tale (November 2004, 2/5)
The Incredibles (November 2004, 3/5)
Ocean’s Twelve (January 2005, 1/5)
The Aviator (January 2005, 4/5)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (May 2005, 1½/5)
Kung Fu Hustle (May 2005, 3/5)
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (June 2005, 4/5)
Batman Begins (July 2005, 3½/5)
War of the Worlds (July 2005, 1½/5)
Me and You and Everyone We Know (July 2005, 4/5)
March of the Penguins (July 2005, 3/5)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (September 2005, 3/5)
The Aristocrats (September 2005, 1½/5)

Information elsewhere

IMDB (comprehensive movie database)
Roger Ebert (decent movie reviews & commentary)
