Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Virgin Radio podcasts

BBC reports: Virgin Radio starts daily podcasts.

The Virgin Radio podcast is an half-hour edit of its four-hour breakfast show with all the music, news, weather, traffic and travel cut out.


So, music radio... with all the music cut out? Just half an hour of Pete & Geoff's DJ blather? With adverts? I'll pass, thanks ever so much.

(What's podcasting? A cross between radio and blogging; but the cynic in me notes that it's simply a hip name for "downloadable audio".)

That said, Virgin do offer streaming audio in a multitude of formats and bitrates; I've never been able to get their iTunes 128kbps service to work (it always appears as crunchy 32kbps audio) but the RealOne 128kbps service works nicely, and the Real 10 AAC service sounds great.

Update: a "contact us" to Virgin about the iTunes streams gets the following potted response:

Virgin Radio is a UK radio station, aimed at radio listeners and advertisers in the UK. To ensure that UK listeners get the best service, at certain peak times, non-UK residents may automatically receive our 32k MP3 stream, instead of our 128k MP3 stream.

